Wednesday 9 April 2014

Inlaid Embossing

So - I've had a pretty fun day today! Having never cycled before I got on a bike about a month ago and have been training for an 80ish mile ride for charity in June.  I've managed about five rides so far, the longest being about 40 miles, but I've been having some problems with my right knee.  A friend suggested a 'bike fit' might be helpful - and I managed to book one for this morning.  I have to say it was pretty thorough - apparently I have high arches, one leg might be a little longer than the other (who's isn't??) - and I've come away with a much higher (new) saddle, shoe inserts, newly positioned cleats - and a newfound respect for the science of cycling! I think it's a little like trying to sort out your gold swing.  I will be trying out the new position properly this weekend so we'll see how it goes...... I then spent the afternoon meeting Elin who is my lovely friend Kristin's new baby, and catching up over a cuppa and some cake.  Elin is just 2 weeks old and she is absolutely GORGEOUS.  I of course took a hand made card with me and spotted another gorgeous Stampin' Up card on the mantlepiece from Liz (see her blog here)

Anyway - back to the cards.  I found this technique online and I CANNOT believe I hadn't thought of doing it before.  It's pretty straightforward - you put your layered card through the big shot in an embossing folder, and it comes out looking like it's all one layer.  This is a slightly more built up version of one I saw online and I love this technique already.  I tried a few cards and on this one I really pushed it with the number of layers I put through the big shot but it doesn't seem to matter - I was worried that the lines would become too distorted but it all came out really well.

I'll be back with some more examples later......

Leigh-Anne x

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